Kop Chai Lai Lai!

It looks like this little review has now become a habit, so let’s do it! 🙂
– Duration: 28 days
– Before: Vietnam
– After: Cambodia
– Expenses: 1500€/pers (with flight from Hanoi, without Elena’s birthday specials!)

Our trip

Interesting Facts (or not?)
Just chill! Laos is the perfect country to relax! Coming from Vietnam, we were surprised to see how Lao people are calm and relaxed, even in main cities such as Luang Prabang. That being said, it does not mean locals drive more carefully though; our bus hit a dog on the way down to Si Phan Don 🙁
Meds & Sickness. My turn of being sick :-/ A light fever got me during the Mekong cruise, nailing me to bed for several days once we got back in Luang Prabang. After looking vainly for its origin in the food we had eaten, we understood it came as a side effect of the anti-malaria pills we have been taking for almost a month.
Banking. All ATMs we tried in Laos applied additional fees (from 1€ to 4€ and we were limited to 150€ per withdrawal). Fortunately, our online banks (N26, Boursorama) do not apply another one on foreign transactions.
Tempus fugit! This month in Laos went super fast, even if we often took some days “off” here and there to write these posts and watch some TV shows.
V-Skip. Why did we skip Vientiane and Vang Vieng? Because we don’t like cities starting with a V 😉 No, the truth is we heard from different sources it was not worth the trip. Also given that we wasted 5 days when I was feeling sick, it seemed best to directly fly to the South from Luang Prabang.

Discovered Food
We tasted some good stuff in Laos (Chicken Laap, Oua Zing Kai, Mekong Fish, Tom Yam, Fried Bananas, …), but it looks like our beloved photographer took some time off this month, so we won’t share any pictures! 😉

Survival Guide
To remember it someday:
Sabai Dee : Bonjour
La Kon : Au revoir
Sep Lai : Délicieux
Kop Chai (Lai Lai) : Merci (beaucoup)

Certainly the best part of this post 😀

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    • Le Cambodge ! Où l’on se balade depuis 3 semaines en fait… Bon en vérité un blog c’est comme un projet dans l’IT : c’est toujours en retard !;-)

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